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Post Info TOPIC: Internet Branch Members Update and The New Association Web Site

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Internet Branch Members Update and The New Association Web Site
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The Internet members list has now been updated for the period to the end of June 2012. This will be the last update of the Internet Branch.

New Members – 5
Updates -11
Total members 2324

As is generally known the main Association web site is soon to be rebuilt using a completely new template and to avoid further duplication of the membership process the Internet branch listings which have been integrated into the RGJ Regimental Association database can be searched from http://www.royalgreenjackets.co.uk instead of through application to the Web Site Team.

This means that with immediate effect  any current Internet Branch member will be able to access the database and, as a full paying member of the Association, search for contact details on any number of the near to 6000 former Green Jackets that are listed.

The current Internet Branch listings at http://www.rgjassociation.info/ib/membersarea/membersonly.html will remain accessible until this web site is replaced with the new format but with immediate effect all applications for and renewal of Internet branch membership will be done through the RGJRA database system where those wishing to link up with old friends via the Internet will be asked to conduct their own search for former colleagues through use of the database.

The database will continue to list all new applicants and existing members of the Internet Branch but in order to conduct a search and view the results of that search Internet Branch members will need to become full paying members of the Association.

The fee for full membership is £10 per year and application and payments can now be made by post with use of a membership application sent on request from ken.ambrose1@btinternet.com or downloaded from http://www.rgjassociation.info/ib/Association/aboutassociation.html. Payments can also now made through the use of your credit/debit card over the telephone to 01235 548018 where the  Membership Secretary, Mike Marr, will be pleased to complete your membership form and received your payment directly. Mike is usually in his office Mon-Fri from 10am-4pm.

In addition to access to the database full Association membership offers the following advantages;

•    Full members receive half price entry to both the Oxford and Winchester Reunions. A charge of £10 is made to non-members. This fee is then converted to a one year membership of the Association.

•    Full members who have an Internet connection are entitled to a personalised Association email address, e.g. billbloggs@rgjassociation.info

•    Full members receive the Association annual 52 page magazine, Swift and Bold, delivered to their nominated postal address at the beginning of March.

•    Full members receive free entry to the Royal Green Jackets (Rifles) Museum over the Winchester reunion weekend and half price entry for the remainder of the year on production of a valid membership card.

•    Full members are entitled to purchase `Swift and Bold` - A Portrait of the Royal Green Jackets – 1966 – 2007 at half price. Normal price is £35.00

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