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Post Info TOPIC: J P John Pearson, Ex 11 Pltn C Coy, C1962-74, GJ KRRC- RGJs, In Hospital !!!!!

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J P John Pearson, Ex 11 Pltn C Coy, C1962-74, GJ KRRC- RGJs, In Hospital !!!!!
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ter our Winchester do, it seems JP, had a Very Bad Stroke, he is in Hospital at the moment, the Acute Stroke Unit, Watford.
If you do wish to send him a cheerful Cards, the address to sent them is set out below.    If you would please, to inform other's that you know of from that time C 1962-1974 onwards, all who new John Pearson, Ex 11Pltn, C Coy,  2nd Batt G J, KRRC & RGJs days, be grateful to ya.. 
If you like, give me a call, on my Mob No; 07563741017 for up-date on John..

Update 10 August

As we near the 5th week of John's, stay in the the Acute Stroke Unit.  John has since, been moved out of the acute unit, into the main stroke ward for further treatment. John, had lost his speech & lost the full use of his R H Side.


Sunday week, John had a further stroke, but I am informed by "Sister on ward, this dose happen quite a lot after the first stroke! Sister reported to-date, John is off his main feed food drip, but he is just not taking in his full food intake needed @ the moment also, likewise with his Care, speech & that of his R H S, though John is in good sprit's due to all the many "Get-well-card's, Wishes & Telephone call's made to wish him all the best".. 
John's Family, are so Very Grateful to all of us, (his "Band of Brother's")  who have in there own way supported John since coming into the Hospital & there wishes sent...
Hospital Address for Cards or calls;
Name;  John Pearson.
Main Stroke Ward,
Watford General Hospital,
Vicarage Road,
WD18 - OHB.                Tel No, for the Ward Desk;    01923217270 

Update 21 August


John, has been moved to;
LANGLEY HOUSE, Rehabilitation Centre,
698 St Albans Road,
WD25  9FG
Langley House, TEL NO is; 01923 681167.

For "Get-Well-Cards ect;

To-date John is trying sitting-up in bed, likewise in his wheel chair, he is eating a little more often than he was b4, but as you know John, was not a big eater.
John, has a little more movement in  his face & improvement with his speech. His R H Side, will  take a lot more time to recover fully. He is, also slowly getting into his new routine at Langley House rehab



Having spoken to the ward staff at Langley House, regarding Johns progression, which has had a grand turn around. That John sprit is of betterment to-date, he is speaking a little better then he was before, also he has started re-walking, of course with help, but its a grand start for John, as this only started on the Friday last week, with some true determination on his part, as in the September, his daughter Debbie will be getting Marred (Fri 7th Sept 12).


John called me on Monday, which was grand to hear his true self, he was on his "Rest Day, after all his hard work over that week end & seeing the family..  John, has been getting all your Card's Letters & Call's - Get-Well-Messages too, (bedside locker is full), to which he is very grateful to ALL of YOU, likewise John's Family ..


The following message has been received from John Pearson;


A special thanks to paul and all the lads of old, from "C  Coy & Others" of the 2nd Batt KRRC, Green Jackets & R G Js, for there true support shown, since being admitted into Hospital in the July, and that since his stay in Langley House. 
My true and grateful thanks to you ALL,  you don't know just how much you have helped me, what with your Card's, letters and Get-Well-Wishes, by your phone call's made & visit's.  I am so, so grateful to you all ...   

Thank You ...


Paul daley

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