RESIDENT STEWARD & Assistant Steward cf,30k joint salary Accommodation 12 weeks paid holiday The Hawks Club in central Cambridge has a vacancy for a Resident Steward with partner. The joint employment carries responsibility during term time for all function catering, bar and bar meals service, security and day to day management of the premises. The Club is closed to members for 12 weeks of the year. The Steward and Asst Steward continue to be paid but are free to take leave and/or other employment until the club re-opens. Applicants must be prepared to live in as required and have relevant experience in bar and catering work Applications and enquiries to the Club Administrator, Mrs Sarah Malcolm. The Hawks' Club 180 Portugal Place, Cambridge CB5 EAF administrator@ 01223314 666
The position of Steward as defined by this job description is intended for an individual with the skill and application to provide a service to the Club mainly during term time and which will require extended hours of work. This is offset by an entitlement to extended holiday with pay during those times when the club is otherwise closed or as agreed with the directors of the club.
Reports to: - Mr T.J.Ellis, a Director of the Hawks Company and Chairman of the Management Committee.
Duties 1. Resides in the accommodation provided by the employer, opens up in the morning and secures the premises at night. 2. Manages the cleaning and light maintenance of the premises to a high standard. 3. Works closely with the President of the Hawks in Residence. 4. Prepares and serves meals in the function room as required. 5. Provides a bar and bar snack service to club members and their guests as required. 6. During service times ensures that the bar area is kept tidy and clear of used plates and utensils. 7. Keeps the supply of condiments, serviettes etc in a clean and presentable manner. 8. Maintains the bar and kitchen stock suffrcient to satisfy the trade and service quality requirements. 9. Ensures that the function room, bar and kitchen service is prompt and professional. 1 0. Supervises such staff as are necessary for the proper performance of the service requirements. 11. Liaises with the Hawks in Residence Committee to ensure reliable and regular help is provided for manning the bar. 12. Reports as necessary in the performance of the service and keeps records of all purchases and sales. 13. Reports any issue properly which is the concern of the management committee through Mr Ellis or his nominee. l4.Maintains secure cash systems, reconciles takings and accounts for all trade done. 15 Maintains the accommodation in a clean and tidy condition. 16. Has the authority to exclude any member or guest who in the opinion of the Steward behaves in an improper manner and immediately reports such to the President of the Hawks Club 17 .Maintains the premises and services in the condition necessary to meet the requirements of relevant legislation (Health & Safety, Public Health, Licensing, etc)
Please could you forward to me further details of the above vacancy. I have excellent experience in this field, at present managing a small club in the Enfield area.
Please advise if the vacancy is still open as my partner who is a personal license holder currently running a club and myself who have previous bar and catering experience are looking to relocate with a new job challenge.