Many of you may have heard about the planned musical extravaganza that is to be held at the Royal Albert Hall in October this year.
1.Swift & Bold is much more than simply a Massed Bands concert or Sounding Retreat in one of London’s landmark venues; it is a seminal event in this the 200th anniversary of the Battle of Salamanca and the fifth anniversary of our formation, to which our Colonel in Chief and Royal Colonels have been invited and which the Regiment will use to thank key stakeholders who have provided such generous support and goodwill in enabling the Regiment to achieve so much in our first five years. Simultaneously the Regiment will use this prestigious event to host and entertain persons of influence from all sections of society who have the potential to help the Regiment build on its first five years of success and shape the future as the Regiment looks beyond the current operations in Afghanistan.
2.Swift & Bold will tell the story of the Regiment - celebrating the achievements, culture of innovation, enduring spirit, courage and sacrifice of Riflemen past and present through an entertaining programme of music and informative vignettes. Reinforcing our ethos and core values, Swift & Bold will strengthen and bind ever closer our five Pillars so the Regiment can look forward to the future with a unified sense of purpose, confidence and self-assurance.
3.Inherent to all aspects of Swift & Bold is support to our Regimental appeal; Care for Casualties (C4C). Swift & Bold will increase general awareness and levels of support while having the potential to raise significant sums of money through corporate sponsorship, individual donations and sales of merchandise and hospitality on the evening itself. Care 4 Casualties is the sole beneficiary of the profits from Swift & Bold.
Tickets are now on sale for Swift & Bold - The Rifles at The Albert Hall, a regimental celebration of 200 years of history and 5 years as The Rifles which is in support of Care for Casualties.
Hosted by Michael Aspel OBE (Late KRRC), and featuring the massed bands and buglers of The Rifles with guest artists including world famous tenor Wynne Evans, the Gurkha Pipers and the Fijian Choir; this is sure to be a memorable occasion and is a wonderful opportunity to stage a first reunion of The Rifles by gathering the serving regiment and all our supporters in the inspiring venue of the Albert Hall. Please click on this link to a PDF version of the tri-fold flyer:
As the programme firms up more details of the event will be published on the website at .
I have been allocate 300 tickets for Association members that are on my list, and also for friends and colleagues that are not!
All 6 & 7 Rifles Officers should apply for tickets through their Adjts, as each Bn has their own allocation of seats.
A total allocation of 3,000 tickets are available – and over half of these have now been sold!!!
Please do not delay placing your own request for this once-in-a-lifetime event at the Royal Albert Hall.
STALLS: 152 seats @ £50.00 each in blocks J and M.
FRONT CIRCLE: 148 seats @ £25.00 each in blocks U and S
REAR CIRCLE: 160 seats @ £22.00 each in blocks U and S
Please see the enclosed RAH Seating plan to identify where these seats are located within RAH to select your area.
(Please note that requesting/selecting individual seat numbers is not possible at this event).
Applications to made to me via e-mail – but followed up via post with cheque on the enclosed proforma stating:
a.The main contact/lead name…
b.The lead contact Tel and e-mail address….
c.The address where the tickets are to be posted to…….
d.The number of tickets required…..
e.The required ticket value (£50 / £25 or £22 tickets)…
f.The overall cost…
Please return the proforma and cheques to me at my address on the proforma. (NOT my military address in my signature block).
I will attempt to satisfy all requests for tickets, but it will be on a first-come-first-seated basis via e-mail.
I will provide tickets by price and fill from the front of RHA to the back in all areas – hence the sooner the better??
Please ensure cheques are included with the proforma. (Cheques to be made payable to “The RIFLES Regimental Trust” ).
I will collate the ticket requests, and inform all applicants which seats have been allocated to you.
Tickets will be posted out to you direct from RHA to the address you have given in your proforma.
The evening will be a great chance to meet together with family and friends, and celebrate the common bond we all share!
I look forward to seeing you there on the evening.
Yours Aye
Ian Weatherley
Major IR Weatherley | Training Major | Army Training Unit (London) | Yeomanry House