Each year we are privileged to hold a concert with light entertainment, followed by High Tea at The Phyllis Court Club, Henley on Thames. The date this year is Wednesday 1st October and we would like to invite 4 members from the RGJR Association to join us. Guests must be ex-service members and can be accompanied by an escort if required but escorts are include escorts in the total allocation of invitations.
The Show will commence at 2.15 pm and will be followed by Tea at 3.45 pm. If you are able to accept this invitation I would be most grateful if you would complete and return the attached proforma as soon as possible. Should it not be possible for you to accept this invitation please return the form to us by Friday 7th September in any event in order that we may invite others.
Further information will be sent directly to the guests nearer the time and interested parties should contact Tracy Froud in the first instance at aregsecinfra@the-rifles.co.uk.