Tickets for the Reunion are starting to sell quite quickly and all sorts of old muckers are emerging from the dim and distant past, blinking in the jungle sunlight and trying to remember where they left their water bottle. Ex-riflemen living all over the UK, in France, Spain and even Australia are blowing dust off photograph albums and putting names to faces, while their wives and partners are thinking “oh dear, he’s going to start talking about Bario and Sapit and all those other strange places again”. Raffle prizes donated so far include a parang and a Border Scout’s shirt!
So, don’t miss this chance for one evening to catch up with old friends and re-tell the stories, as the 50th anniversary of our arrival in Miri just before Christmas 1962 approaches. The cost of the evening is £35 including a Malaysian three course dinner, in the John Howard TA Barracks, Milton Keynes MK14 5NG on 1st December 2012 from 7.00pm. Details and booking forms by email from or by post from Borneo Reunion, c/o Dick Muskett 8 Southcote Road, London N19 5BJ The capacity of the hall is only 120 so get in touch now to ensure you get your ticket.
All proceeds to Care for Casualties - Organised with the help of E Coy, 7 Rifles
May I wish all of those Riflemen from 1st GJ (43rd &52nd) attending the 50th Anniversary of the campaign In Borneo my very best wishes for a successful occasion.