1.A new post has been created for a full time Fixed-Term Schools Cadet Force Expansion Officer (SCFEO) to drive forward cadet expansion in schools.
2.The SCFEO will follow up expressions of interest from schools and identify new opportunities forschool based cadet units in order to meet the Government’ s targets to expand the number of cadet force units in schools in the North West of England.He/she will have at least two years’ experience in the cadet forces or a voluntary youth organisation, preferably with some experience of working in the education sector.The successful candidate will be personable with strong presentational skills, highly motivated, well organised and able to work on his/her own initiative with good problem solving abilities.Good verbal and written communication skills will include production of a written monthly progress report and contributions to media releases. He/ she will be expected to liaise confidently and competently with school Principals and Governors and the 10 single service cadet force headquarters in the North West.
3.The post will be based at NW RFCA in Liverpool and will entail travel around the North West of England.A full driving license is essential.
4.The Contract will run from November 2012 to 31 March 2014 which may be extended to March 2016.
5.The salary for the appointment commences at £23,427 per annum (Pay Band D). There is in operation a Pension Scheme for eligible staff, aged between 18-55 years for which there is a 6% non-pensionable addition to salary to offset the 5% superannuation contribution.
6.Application forms and a full job description can be obtained from:
SCFEO Vacancy
North West RFC
Alexandra Court
28 Alexandra Drive
L17 8YE
(0151 727 2048
7.Closing date for applications is 1200hrs 19 October 2012.Interviews for selected candidates will be held in late October 2012.