The Freedom of Ross on Wye will be exercised by The Rifles on Saturday 13 July 2013. The programme for the day begins at the Rope Walk, beside the River Wye near the Hope and Anchor Public House at 1400 hours with the following programme, which all members of the regimental family and our supporters are invited to attend:
Freedom Ceremony and Parade beginning at the Rope Walk
1400 hrs B Company Second Battalion The Rifles march on parade with the Salamanca and Waterloo Band & Bugles of The Rifles, Hereford & Worcester Army Cadet Force, The Regimental Association and the Standards of The Royal Britsh Legion.
1410 hrs The Mayor of Ross-on-Wye, Councillor C M Bartrum, arrives and is met by Major General T B Radford DSO OBE, Regional Colonel of The Rifles.General Salute.
1415 hrs The Lord Lieutenant of Herefordshire, The Countess of Darnley JP, arrives on Parade.General Salute.
1420 hrs Inspection of the Parade by The Lord Lieutenant of Herefordshire accompanied by the Mayor of Ross-on-Wye and Major General Radford.
1440 hrs The Mayor of Ross-on-Wye welcomes the Rifles, reads the resolution and presents the Freedom Scroll to Major General Radford who responds.
1455 hrs The Parade Commander asks permission to exercise the Regiment’s right to march through Ross-on-Wye.
1500 hrs The Parade marches off.
1530 hrs The Parade marches from Royal Parade along High Street, Gloucester Road where the Salute is taken, Cantilupe Road,Station Street and Grammar School Close and disperses at the Larruperz Centre.
1600 hrs The Mayor entertains his guests at the Larruperz Centre.
Sounding Retreat at the Rope Walk
1745 hrs Guests are asked to be seated. 1800 hrs Standards march on parade. 1805 hrs Inspection of Standards 1810 hrs Sounding Retreat by the Salamanca and Waterloo Band & Bugles of the Rifles.
All members of the regimental family and supporters of the regiment are invited to attend.